5 Year End Tasks: #3

Do you make new year resolutions? Setting your resolutions for the new year is usually not productive. Studies show that most people do not stick to resolutions or goals past just a few days. I have worked hard the past several years to set an intention and build SMARTER goals around that intention. More on that tomorrow, but for today, a word for my intention on the year.

This has become popular recently. I have picked a word of the year for at least 5-6 years in a row. So far this year I have not been able to choose a word. The season has been extremely busy. Even while sitting in a deer stand in Iowa, one of my favorite places to reflect, I was sending emails to our Congressional delegation on behalf of the agriculture industry in support of the the aid packages that eventually were passed just before Christmas. Fewer weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas simply compressed my time into the must do items and the fun trips I had on the calendar months ago.

2024 started in one direction and totally changed with a health scare in my family. Talk about putting things in perspective! Priorities aligned - BAM! Now I look more to the future and making sure my business is in order for continued stability and growth as well as for the next generation. I am also hyper focused on maintaining my health and those around me that I can influence. Slowing down and being more present in all of this and with people in my life. Actually that last one is the hardest for me. As a highly productive introvert I love to work with my head down. So getting out of my comfort zone with respect to reaching out to others is something I want to work on in 2025.

After a little writing and working with Chat GPT I have settled on the word FLOURISH for 2025. In fact, I even came up with a mantra to will point to my three main projects for the year. It is “flourish in every stride, every breath, and every bond.” I have never had a mantra, but maybe by writing this in my journal and planner weekly I can stay more focused on the intent for my work of the year. Tomorrow I will discuss my intentions, focus, goals, resolutions whatever you want to call them!


5 Year End Tasks: #4


5 Year End Tasks: #2